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Because those responsible for human rights violations are seldom punished public confidence in the administration of justice and the rule of law has been undermined. The knowledge that crimes will go unpunished — and may even be rewarded — has not only contributed to the escalation of human rights violations; it is also a factor behind the spiral of violence in society at large.

The government argues that the rule of law has broken down because of severe deficiencies in the judicial system, citing insufficient resources, lack of training, lack of specialist personnel and pervasive corruption.

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It has introduced radical judicial reforms to remedy these shortcomings with the help of major international aid programs. Impunity in Colombia, however, goes beyond deficiencies in the judicial system, real though these are. Attempts to redress these deficiencies are unlikely to have any significant impact on the scale of human rights violations unless the government finds the political will to ensure that all human rights violators are held to account. Even when members of the security forces, their paramilitary allies and the guerrilla are known to be responsible for committing serious sexual abuses against women and girls, virtually all cases are covered up or go unpunished.

Political crimes and crimes of sexual violence are often not even recorded in official statistics. These crimes are often dismissed as "crimes of passion":. On 25 March she was killed. According to reports, after shooting her several times, her killers, who were allegedly members of the AUC, took her body away.

She also managed a project promoting the rights of female victims of sexual violence. But her killing was recorded in the police database as a criminal offence motivated by "personal vengeance": "While in the eyes of the police Doris died as a victim of common criminals, the press attributed her death to the paramilitaries.

Although constitutional provisions on equality and laws to punish gender-based violence, including sexual violence, do exist, such legal protection is not enforced.

In practice, there is impunity, discrimination and a lack of protection. This implies a lack of budgetary, administrative and technical independence that hampers any attempt to launch programmes or projects aimed at improving the condition of women and promoting effective enjoyment of their rights. Existing statistics on sexual abuse are alarming, but probably underestimate the problem significantly. The Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses National Institute of Forensic Medicine and Sciences — which is responsible for carrying out forensic reports into injuries and deaths in which a crime is suspected of having been committed — told Amnesty International that, between and , possible sexual offences were referred to in 40, forensic reports.

However, the data is not disaggregated and it is therefore not possible to examine which cases are a direct consequence of the conflict.

Women and girls in Colombia not only suffer the danger, hardship and suffering inherent in any armed conflict, but have to endure the gender discrimination which is prevalent in many societies around the world, including Colombia. It is this continuum — from domestic- to conflict-related sexual violence — that is particularly corrosive.

Everyday gender-based discrimination and sexual abuse, combined with other forms of conflict-related discrimination, has placed women at particular risk. Just work milking the cows. My mother knew nothing. He gave the orders. Because I am worth it. Nobody has ever asked me about it before. And anyway you keep quiet about such things. All I knew was that I had to get away". At the age of 15 she was raped by her employer, a member of the paramilitaries, and became pregnant as a result.

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Paramilitaries have carried out several massacres and selective killings in that area:. Who helped you to escape? When her mother found out she decided to confront the father. Given the outrage in the village, in the father went off to join the 3 Front of the FARC, which controlled the area. Shortly afterwards, the girl was kidnapped by members of this front.

The girl tried to escape several times and was subjected to further abuse for doing so:. She was forced to do guard duty both day and night. They told her that if she opened her mouth or tried to escape, her sisters would pay. The girl was in a bad state. She spent 18 months there. She made one suicide attempt".

The persecution against "Rosa", who is now 17, and her mother and the rest of the family continued. There they stripped and tortured her before departing, leaving her buried in a hole which she had been forced to dig herself.

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She survived with the help of a peasant farmer. It is a fundamental aspect of an individual's identity. It helps to define who a person is. The Special Rapporteur notes the abiding principles that have shaped international human rights law since , including privacy, equality, and the integrity, autonomy, dignity and well-being of the individual. In these circumstances, the Special Rapporteur has no doubt that the correct understanding of fundamental human rights principles, as well as existing human rights norms, leads ineluctably to the recognition of sexual rights as human rights".

Women are at risk not only as individuals but as members of social groups — sometimes their sexuality or reproductive capacity is attacked because they are indigenous or Afro-descendant women or from other marginalized communities. In each case the motive is the same, to control women as reproducers of the nation, community or social group.

Sexual violence against women is meant to demonstrate victory over the men of the other group who have failed to protect their women. It is a message of castration and emasculation of the enemy group. It is a battle among men fought over the bodies of women". The perpetuation of social norms that deprive women of autonomy encourages the notion that their bodies can be appropriated and their behaviour controlled.

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In armed conflicts, this appropriation and control can take extreme forms such as sexual slavery, sexual assault, and enforced contraception and abortions. The imposition of rules of conduct on civilians — such as dress codes and curfews — which invade their most intimate privacy is a strategy adopted by guerrilla and paramilitary groups to control individuals, and is fomented by sexist and homophobic attitudes.

The fact that guerrillas and paramilitaries have targeted the same groups — such as sex workers and homosexuals — in an effort to win "legitimacy" from society as a whole, suggests that discrimination against these sectors in Colombia is heavily entrenched. This has sometimes reached horrific proportions, such as the tearing open of the bellies of pregnant women in order to rip out the foetus. Many men have also been castrated for similar reasons in the context of massacres and selective killings committed during the armed conflict.

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In towns and in the countryside. This happens even when we say that it is our right. The UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women CEDAW noted in its observations on the report submitted to it by Colombia that no systematic work had been carried out to confront discriminatory cultural traditions or to change sexist stereotypes and that the media continued to project stereotypical images of women. Although the Colombian state has an international obligation to combat gender-based discrimination and prevent, punish and eradicate violence against women, it has instead often helped to perpetuate and strengthen gender stereotypes.

In November a row ensued after it was revealed that leaflets containing pictures of scantily-dressed women had been distributed by the army to "invite" combatants to demobilize. The colonel told the media that "it is just an appetizer in the campaign to tell the guerrillas that they are welcome". He added that he did not know why the designers had chosen to use the female figure.

Under the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, states are obliged to take all appropriate measures to "modify the social and cultural patterns of conduct of men and women, with a view to achieving the elimination of prejudices and customary and all other practices which are based on the idea of the inferiority or the superiority of either of the sexes or on stereotyped roles for men and women Article 5 a.

With regard to the serious human rights abuses suffered by women and girls in the context of the armed conflict, the Presidential Adviser rejected the information given to Amnesty International by NGOs working to promote, protect and defend the human rights of women. Despite requests by Amnesty International, the Office did not provide any information on what action the government was taking to prevent and punish serious abuses against women and girls. In such bands, women lose their very natures and vocation as the bedrock of family, community and social stability.

The existence of women combatants makes it impossible to build the peaceful and sustainable society that every country requires". In his speech, Ambassador Giraldo also stated that the government had "focused special attention on the participation of women in issues related to peace and security". In this respect, he said that the government had "devised a national policy of women as builders of peace and development, a policy geared towards peace, equity and equal opportunity".

Amnesty International acknowledges that procedures have been initiated by some state bodies with regard to providing care for victims of gender-based and sexual violence and that other state bodies are seeking to address gender issues in areas under their jurisdiction see below. But these are still at an early stage and their sustainability does not appear to be guaranteed.